When the Drama Llama comes for a visit…

As you may have noticed, I have been absent from my regularly scheduled blog posts.  Part of this is due to the fact that we have entered “Lecture Season” within my paranormal research group, South Jersey Ghost Research.  Don’t get me wrong, I love going out and presenting about what we do, but it’s very time-consuming between our lectures and events.  Traveling all over the state after working all day doesn’t leave me too much time to talk about the trials and tribulations of being psychic…. and oh are there tribulations…

Drama stinks for everyone, but I think even a little more so for those of us who are sensitive, especially if Empathy is like your middle name.  I don’t know about you, but when I’m in a situation that has people upset with one another, I can’t help but feel all of the emotions.  THAT, my friends, is where it can get difficult to really keep your head on straight and see what is in front of you!  It’s hard to separate out what you are feeling, and what you are feeling from other people.

Now, let me be clear, this blog post is NOT to vent about my, Drama Llama save it for your mama, incidents recently.  It is to teach and remind us all how we can self preserve and move forward in these situations.  I believe one of the keys to getting through situations like mine is to ground and shield.  Ok, Ok! I’ve probably lost some of you right now, but don’t worry I’ll explain.

Grounding and shielding are imperative to the preservation of sensitives everywhere!  Grounding is what helps keep us centered and focused.  Most people become un-grounded fairly easily, and sensitive people become un-grounded even more easily.  Click here for an exercise to help you get grounded and centered.  This is not the only way of grounding, but something I’ve found useful. If you’re not grounding and shielding, then you may as well just be walking outside naked… maybe that’s a bit of a stretch but I think you get what I mean.  Shielding is a whole different ball game! Shielding is the protection that we can provide our energy/aura  to combat against being drained by things such as DRAMA!  One of the simplest forms of shielding that I teach people is to imagine yourself surrounded by a big bubble of white light. The white light is there to light you through the darkness and provide only positive energy to you.  It will help to dispel any negative energy around you.  Click Here  for other shielding techniques:    My current favorite is to imagine that I am wearing an Iron Man suit.  Yes, you read that right, Iron Man LOL.  I love Iron Man and the varying levels of protection, plus the speed at which Tony Stark could be suited up.  I use this visualization for my own use on investigations.

I hope that these little tips and tricks will help you next time the Drama Llama comes knocking at your door!  I know it helps me in most cases!

Save the Drama Llama for your Mama 😀


To share… or not to share?

I always consider my “gift” a blessing and at times a curse . I think most people have the capacity to understand why it can be such a burden to “know” things.   One area that this gift becomes a curse is when there is a relationship involved.  My friends often come to me asking me what I think is going to happen with them and their new partner.  Sometimes I see a good, positive lasting relationship!  Other times, I want to shake the friend and tell them to run in the opposite direction! Quickly!  I usually have to decide in a split second if I’m going to reveal my impression, or just say “you’ll have to figure it out for yourself, since you won’t listen to me anyway!!”  Let’s face it, most people ask for advice, but if it’s not what they want to hear, they dismiss it.

Usually, I regret sharing my insight on situations that deal with the heart.  Now, I don’t claim all of this to be psychic guidance.  I know that much of it is just common sense or my ability to watch people and analyze their behavior.  Most recently I shared with a friend to just be guarded against the person she was seeing.  Things seemed to be going well, but moving pretty quickly.  The “L” word was dropped by the other person kinda quickly and there was even talk about the future, moving in together, marriage etc.  Once I mentioned to be guarded, my friend couldn’t fathom what she needed to be guarded from.  Everything was going great, until well, it wasn’t.  Things ended pretty abruptly with the other person stating they weren’t sure if they wanted to settle down just yet,”let’s be friends” yada yada… you get the point!  My friend then understood why I said she should be guarded.  My guides were telling me that this person wasn’t ready to settle down, but sometimes people just need to learn for themselves.

I am so sympathetic and empathetic to this.  I’m not immune either! There are plenty of times when I meet someone new and that little voice kicks in telling me just how things will end.  I always believe that we can alter some things so I go along with things until they end, just as I had seen in the beginning.  People ask me if I knew it was going to happen, then why didn’t I walk away to begin with.  My answer is that people come into our lives for a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime.  Some of the people I have dated fit all of those categories.  They make up life experiences and have helped mold me into who I am today.  My point is, not all stories have a happy, fairy tale ending, but that doesn’t mean the time and experiences with another person aren’t worthwhile.  Things aren’t black and white.  Sometimes yes, you should run far away from that person before things even get serious, other times its worth the ride for a little while. Don’t analyze my advice every step of the way.  Take the ride and see what happens, if I say stay guarded, it means just, that stay guarded.. if I say Run, Put on those Adidas and head for the Hills!
